
Fully active ASCENDO 7.1 home theater system

A set of the Active speaker Line by AIA comes up with incredible technology that produces a sensational sound experience.

Sound Quality Stereo:25 / 25
Sound Quality Surround:59 / 60
Resultaudiovison reference


Fully active ASCENDO 7.1 home theater system

Surround sound quality:
The AIA set exceeds this exemplary measurement result again in the hearing test, where it immediately impressed with its direct, explosive, yet very relaxed sound image.
Even the wildest explosion could never drive the set to perceptible compression or audible distortion. A very special experience was “Listen Up!” by and with Omar Hakim, in which the recording puts the listener in the middle of an extremely dynamic and precise playing band. No other loudspeaker combination has been able to give the testers the illusion that they sit among the musicians as credibly and realistically as the AIA set.

Sound quality stereo:
The set is no less fascinating than with multi-channel stereo music:
... it always impresses with its extremely relaxed, yet incredibly precise, natural and seamless sound.

AV conclusion:
With its Active Line, AIA offers a real value product and technology of highest-quality, great craftsmanship, and unrivaled sound.

